- Category: Blog
- Written by Joanie Waelti
- Hits: 5531
2016 assessement
To get there, throw yourself into it and believe in it.
And I would say one also needs time. I had time, I was unemployed. By involving myself more in my association, I helped myself in 2016, but I mainly helped all the education projects in India that I have been supporting for a long time, I helped more than ever before.
First, there was the Indian Festival & Workshop, organized by the Ensemble de Joux last June, a beautiful idea, a charming place, and a zen and indian atmosphere too. I gave a conference called "Trip to India", but not only, I helped with organization, volunteered during the event and sold items made by the yound women of the Juvi Home that Pictures of India started supporting in 2016.
Then this crazy idea at the beginning of the summer, to invite international photographers for an exceptional calendar made of pictures of India.
A huge workload, researches, contacts, agreements, picking the pictures, organization, editing, printing... And the sale, especially the sale, because in the end, wha't s all this work worth if the calendar doesn't sell? So much effort and time went in this and they did pay, averagely, but all the same.
As we know pictures are worth better than words, so here a visual of Pictures of India's 2016 assessement.
We can do better and we will do better. By giving Pictures of India statuses and officially making it a non-profit association, 2017 is becoming a key year and holds lots of promises for the future.
If you also want to show your support, you can find all details about the April 8th's constitutive assembly here, and please signup via this form. If you add the Facebook event in your Facebook, you'll be warned you have an upcoming event some time before it.